I haven’t read all of the Book Of Unveiling, but I was just curious, the two are playing a “game” right?So with the Traveler and the Pyramid ships, are the beings of the Gardener and Winnower inside of them or are they just something they designed to carry their power? To put it another way, are the two directly involved in the “game” itself, or are they just on the sidelines trying to influence the outcome of the game? [spoiler]I want to try and figure out if you could actually kill one of them, or both, if they were directly involved in the game itself. [/spoiler]
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6/30/2021 4:29:23 AM
'good luck' on That. Especially the [Light] [Itself] (Destiny).
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6/18/2020 12:38:50 AM
The Traveler is that one pattern the Gardener added to the Garden to protect the weaker flowers from total annihilation by the hands of the Winnower’s Final Blade, which WERE the Vex of the Black Garden.The Gardener and the Winnower can not be killed. But they’re agents certainly can be.
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6/16/2020 3:28:25 AM
One is a circle the other is a triangle.We just need a square god to complete the holy trinity.
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Edited by Ferus Lux:6/17/2020 1:28:32 AM
Ferus Lux
The Gardener and Winnower can't be killed because they are abstract entities, and both don't actually want each other dead or gone. They just want to be right. Remember, they once worked together, and I theorize that the light is just an altered kinder and more thoughtful Darkness and when the Gardener disagreed, it just added new rules into the game and twisted the Darkness to serve its ideals.More on the Gardener:The Gardener does not actually care if we in particular are alive, just as long as a diverse SOMETHING is alive and it created the Traveler to seek out that something and turn it into its argument against the Winnower. An argument that says: variety and complexity should exist, not an absolute and dominant simplicity. The Traveler and Pyramids are the tools of the Gardener and Winnower. Remnants of their last disagreement in the Garden. The flower game was originally played in the Garden, but the disagreement was so destructive is spawned the universe and all its denizens, each one born from one or both of the entities ideology.
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6/16/2020 12:17:24 AM
The Traveler is an agent of the Gardner, not the Gardner itself. The traveler is a separate entity that holds the same values and morals. This is our current understandingThe pyrimid ships are... Either they're the winnower's fleet or shells for the winnower to inhabit so it can be in multiple places at once. We know from the books of sorrow that the winnower doesn't have an actual form, and has to possess things to communicate
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6/15/2020 10:02:00 PM
<You could kill one of them. The Stranger comes from a future without a Traveler, multiple Vex simulations show a future where it is gone (and one with the Darkness with it), and a least a dozen real futures (thanks Sundial) where it is dead.>
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Edited by HolyRoller1313:6/16/2020 3:32:02 AM
We probably wouldn’t be able to kill them, at least as we are now. The side effects of killing either the a Gardener or the Winnower (or both) would pretty much be catastrophic.EDIT: I should probably explain why it would be bad for them to die. The Drifter was shown visions by the Nine in which he was placed in worlds of only Light or only Darkness. In a world with no Darkness, all are blind and undying. None can see, none can age, none can die. It is misery and constant suffering. The beings alive beg for death, but respite will never come. In a world o without Light, all that remains is death. The stench of corpses and rot. None have a chance to ever live, as when there is only one final shape, only one species/civilization may live. All else dies. If both died, all would likely cease to exist. No Light, no Dark. Nothing. The big problem is they both have their own unwavering ideas of what should and shouldn’t be. Both are right about some things and both are wrong about some things. We will end up needing to bring Balance. Maybe convince them both to compromise somehow. I’ve no clue how it’ll play out. I CAN say that we will likely get two more Darkness subclasses to bring ourselves to an equilibrium between the Light and Darkness. That’s the only way we’ll survive.
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